This only applies to blokes. But I wonder how many of you have had to give a water sample at the Doctors and found that because you have to go, you can't!!!
I find this in public toilets.
When I was a young lad, an old geezer looked over the urinal trying to catch a glimpse of my little soldier? Since then I have been unable to go sometimes ,if anyone stands near me?
This was made doubly impossible today when I went into town.
All the urinals were free and I went to the end one. Just about to start when the Toilet Janitor came in and started mopping round my legs!!!! I looked down as the mop flapped numerous times between my feet and I made a tutting noise, hoping he would sod off!.
But still he sprayed and mopped!
I couldn't bloody go and tried to distract myself with mental pictures of Niagra Falls and running taps. No flipping good.
So I had to zip up and move out.
He could have started anywhere in the bog, but oh no he had to start at mine?
It could have been worse though, as in Germany they have lady cleaners!!! and they ain't fussed how close they get to you? Plus you have to pay at the end as well!!
Managed 20 minutes blow last night so hope my lip holds out for the Concert later. My second cold sore is now healing and I can now take the bag off my head.