Sunday, 30 August 2009
The trio of weekend gigs finished tonight with a Dance on our own patch. A full house and lots of new faces. I was very pleasantly surprised when a member of the audience came up and answered a question I had been mulling over on this very blog. It was about the Classical composers and the musicians they employed. Not only was she very attractive she was also very knowledgeable about court musicians and their connections with the great composers. What she told me all made sense and it was great to get feedback.
The strangest story i have read this week is about a herd of Cows in Austria. Over the last 3 days 28 cows have jumped to their deaths off a mountain?? That bit is true but you have to make your own mind up that it is a coincidence that Roy the Wallet was in the area at the time and offered to buy a round in a local bar!!!
Have to say I marked myself 8 out of 10 for Under my Skin solo tonight. Close but not perfect.
I spent a lazy afternoon watching movies today. One film was about the aircraft carrier Nimitz going back in time to the day before the attack on Pearl Harbour. Which again made me think (I know!) if we could go back in a time machine what part of history would we change. Just think you could go to White chapel and foil Jack the Rippers antics. Even to the Theatre box where Abraham Lincoln sat and ask him to change seats... the options are endless and my how much we could change with our knowledge of history.
Me I would go back and stop Roy the Wallet nicking my girlfriend (yes mate 35 years and I still remember lol)
Key of the Door
Our Female vocalist had a new dress (one of a hundred) she looked great. It's amazing what Primark can produce for so little! Actually it was another Bingo Dress 'Eye's down and look in' as most of the Band did. I dont think there is anyone who can touch the Band now as it has gone from strength to strength and providing a great show and entertainment. Still one more gig to play at and it will be the end of a tiring weekend but well worth it though.
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Off to Lincolnshire for the next gig and another late/early morning.
Friday, 28 August 2009
The credit crunch is digging in a little at our place as there is not much work on and next week we are back to being fully staffed. I just know that I have to keep busy as it is better for me, so i do not know what I am going to do.
Will see tonight if the few minutes of blowing every night has paid off as we have a full 3 hour Dance to play at. I have the solo Under My Skin again which should be interesting. A bit like asking a top runner to run a marathon after month off full training.....sweet!
Thursday, 27 August 2009
On a lighter note its almost time to dust the cobwebs off the old bone and get back on the road. Its strange but feels as though I have never been off it lol.
I can't wait to win the lottery so that I can write my letter about peoples strange requests at Funerals. We had one not long ago that insisted they wanted a dark green frill around the coffin. When it was sent to us after being specially made they said 'ooooh we don't like it??? it's to morbid'
My God death is morbid !!What does go through folks minds???
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Of course there is the famous Bill Watrous and Jiggs Wigham. But more locally and those that I know are Woodhouse, Walker, Wilson, Williams and Warburton.....Oh no I forgot, that's my favourite bread.!!! Spooky or what?
I suppose if I turned the initial of my surname upside down I would be in with a chance!!! No not at all!
Monday, 24 August 2009
Ga Ga
Monday has been and gone and for saying we had no work I managed to find a few jobs to do. If only all days could be as good as today!
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Only a week to go now and then we start back on the Big band trail with 3 gigs one after another. I have appreciated the rest from it all, but still had to try and keep the old lip in the best I could so we will see if it was enough next week!
Saturday, 22 August 2009
I was well chuffed that I thought I had found a way to stop the cats pooping on my lawn. That was until I went to mow it and found they have now moved to the soil border and there was much more than before. I am not exaggerating when I say that there are at least 14 cats in our small Close not to mention the Foxes that visit at 10.30pm every night. It would seem that every one of them have a Sat Nav directed to my house. Next stop Shotgun!.
Friday, 21 August 2009
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Naughty Step
It is rumored that Roy the wallet is playing exceptionally well at this time. So much so that we are going to have him Gender tested!!! Well if its good enough for the Athletics, its good enough for us?
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Jungle Book
On the news this morning it said that 60% of Council Tenants do not pay rent, I presume this means that they do not pay community charge either? I really am sick and tired of this. All it would take is the 'good' folk to stick together and not pay their community charge for a designated month to make a point? The system would not be able to cope and the message would surely get across that we are fed up of subsidising the lazy and the scroungers.
My sense of humour is gradually wearing thin as I just can't understand why we all take it. I can pride myself that I have tried to do something be it letters to the press or online forums etc but what difference can the few make? Britain stand up for yourself before it's to late. or maybe it is!
Monday, 17 August 2009
Spent yesterday painting the eaves at my Partners Mums house. My partner is a bit of an artist but I was pleased to note that I finished up fairly paint free whilst she looked like a fine example of modern art with splashes and runs everywhere!
The old practice has taken a down turn this week and my lip is well out of sorts. Must try and motivate myself a bit more this week.
Saturday, 15 August 2009

Me and my mate at work are fascinated by Mausoleums. We both would like to travel to the USA and inspect famous peoples last resting places. I have been to a local Mausoleum today (left) and I must admit they are beautiful things. However I think most folk think, that come the day of the Resurrection where everyone comes back to life! they have a better chance than being buried under 6 feet of damp soil. However unless they are buried with a sledge hammer and chisel, I am afraid it is going to be much harder owing to the couple of tons of breeze block that is cemented into place. Not to mention the humungous piece of Marble to cover the bricks? Still very nice to look at though and a snip at well over £15,00+. I am not even sure if the resting place is only valid for 99 years, like graves so need to do research on that one.
Still no cat poo hooray. back to work Monday Boo.
Friday, 14 August 2009
I listened to a range of cases from Sexual Abuse to under age purchase of alcohol. This last case was interesting as the shop owners were of Eastern Religion and had sold a bottle of wine to a 15 year old whilst in the presence of a plain clothes Police Woman. The shop keeper decided to represent herself but had to use an interpreter.... that is until she forgot and spoke perfect English of which the judge picked up on straight away. The poor police lady was put under all sorts of stupid questions and even the judge got frustrated. I managed to have a chat with the police woman after the case. They had dragged her in on her day off. It is no wonder there are not enough policemen on the streets when they are tied up with petty bureaucracy and paperwork.
I also am probably in trouble again as I have had another letter published in the local paper. This was in reply to the Capital Punishment debate that is going on within its pages. I still feel strongly about the fact but will wait and see what response it brings.
My partner tells me off for being too opinionated but I like to think that I have tried to do something in this life and not just sat back moaning.
We have just had another gig cancelled due to lack of ticket sales. This credit crunch is still having an impact on people me thinks?
Strange there was no cat poo on my lawn this morning ......revenge is sweet (and sour)
Thursday, 13 August 2009
cold in here
While I am moaning as usual the b****y cats are still using my front garden as the community bog. I devised a cunning plan in my head where a large spike is triggered if they step on the lawn and ....bang...right up the japs eye. Knowing my luck though I would forget and end up in casualty myself. I have still taken revenge though using a few things from the orient.....but I can't say what!! But as Johnny cash once sang... I fell into a burning ring of fire......oh revenge.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
The return
Been to the Peak District today all on my own without my partner. I have to say that going alone is pretty miserable and I missed her nipping in and out of shops and moaning at me etc. The lesson here is you don't appreciate things until you lose them or are not there.
Sat through 3 hours of Harry Potter last night the only bonus was seeing Hemonie Grainger all grown up phwoarr.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Flat mate
Decided I would go for a bike ride today only to find I had a massive puncture. I had to buy a new inner tube as it was so bad and I had not changed a bike wheel since I was a kid (penny farthings were made to last in them days.) Thing is bikes were simpler in the old days (eeeeh I remember when...etc) and there were none of these fiddly 20 gear things to contend with. An hour later and covered in Grease I managed to get the wheel back on, only to find the chain was off the sprocket thrust dangler gizmo. So off came the wheel again... anyway I finally managed a couple of hours in the Country. Off to watch Arry Potter tonight which I am told is the boring est one yet but as long as I don't get a snotty noisy kid sat behind me, I am sure I will survive it?
Monday, 10 August 2009
Saturday, 8 August 2009
I borrowed a Carpet shampooer from a bloke at work and I know I should have listened to his brief on how to use the thing, but I didn't. So I have spent most of tonight sucking gallons of water and foam from the carpets (I think I got the mixture a little wrong) still lovely white carpets now, although they were red when I started?
Friday, 7 August 2009
Water meters are great you know as they can save you shed loads of money...that is until something goes wrong. We have a meter at work but for many days now we have been hearing a strange rushing noise. Turns out we have a leak and the meter is spinning round faster than Roy the wallet finding out it is his round! Could cost a fortune as it is the firms responsibility. I have a concert on Monday so trying to practice a bit more as I do not know what I am going to get.
A good day today as my body seems to be working on 4 valves which it hasn't for a long while.
Oh and P.S The world is going to end on the 21st December 2012....don't believe me ...well type the date in a search engine and look for the Mayan Calenders prophecies...were dooooomed! I say dooooomed!
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Wash and Go
Monday, 3 August 2009
Size matters
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Mite mite not
Now the caged bird has gone there is no dust in the house, which means I can go back to dusting once a year instead of every Having got rid of one animal I was adopted by another last night. One of the neighbours cats wandered in and jumped on my knee. It was a bit surprising as I was eating my tea off it at the time. Still I let him sit their whilst I stroked him, feeling like Blowfeld out of the Bond movies. 'Do you expect me talk' No I expect you to eat your tea Mr Bond!